We’re back! After the circuit breaker! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. These are some really weird times. Anyway, we’re highlighting a few of our grooved panel installations completed before the circuit breaker here. This range of products are proudly #madeinSingapore.
It means that as the client, you get to select from our local range of laminates and complete the project within a very short turnaround period. Also, if there are specific fire requirements, we can procure the necessary materials with the certificates of conformity to fulfill SCDF and of course safety concerns.
Enough with the talk. A photo says a thousand words.
First up is the 13/3 groove panels in a dark laminate.
Due to the 13/3 pattern and staggered installation, the wall is almost seamless. This is a more even installation compared to flat sheets of laminate that will be limited by the 8ft by 4ft sheet, resulting in regular groove lines. For this project, due to the large windows, we broke the panels down to 600×2440 pieces to minimize wasteage and for ease of maneuverability. Safety first, guys! The installation team worked hard on tis project, manually bringing up the materials as the lifts werent operating at that time. Good exercise for everyone before packing on the Circuit Breaker kilograms!
For this second project, we finished literally the week before circuit breaker so in the mad rush to clear up and clear out, we grabbed only one photo! 🙁 We will update this post at a later date if we are still able to gain access!

This project was interesting because we installed the grooved panels horizontally. Further, instead of hiding the joints in a staggered manner, it was accentuated by a stainless steel strip. In our view, the designer really made a great choice in laminate as it looks very natural and the finish has a nice texture from the laminate.
Hopefully we’ll be able to update this soon as we slowly get back to work! Till then, stay safe, stay curious.